
Technology & the Body

Prompted by Kelly Sears
Event February 28, 2017 at Curtis Center for the Arts
Commissioned Response Discussing Technology & the Body by Kristin Kirsch Feldkamp
Topic Tags Technology

In this roundtable, we’ll discuss and survey how technology shapes, mediates and distorts possibilities of perception and transmission of our bodies and ourselves.  How do mobile lenses and image sharing applications, online personas and avatars, performed and augmented reality and corporately archived and marketed memories, among others, fracture, empower and damage our physical, psychic and digital existences?   In what ways do phenomenon such as cyberbullying, transgender beauty tutorials, microcelebrity, targeted advertising that discriminates by gender and race, and selfie dysmorphic disorder coexist, foster and subvert each other?  Looking specifically at contemporary means of usage and exchange, what are some potentials and obstacles present in the producing of identity and agency?  What tools and tactics concern and intrigue you as we move further into this strengthening relationship between the body and technology?
