
On Development, Displacement, & the Arts

Written by Lydia Hooper
Related Roundtable Development, Displacement, and the Arts prompted by Yong Cho
Art Medium Tags Visual Art
A large graphic handwritten on a whiteboard of a discussion titled "Development, Displacement, and The Arts," with "Tilt West" written vertically on the left side. The board is filled with colorful handwritten notes, phrases, and illustrations representing various points made during the discussion. Topics include the impact of Denver's rapid growth, the role of artists in communities, the challenges of gentrification, and the need for community engagement in city planning.
This August, Tilt West facilitated a roundtable discussion on Development, Displacement, & the Arts, at RedLine’s 48 Hours of Socially Engaged Art & Conversation Summit. Lydia Hooper of Fountain Visual Communicationswas there to make a graphic recording of the discussion (pictured above).

This August, Tilt West facilitated a roundtable discussion on Development, Displacement, & the Arts, at RedLine’s 48 Hours of Socially Engaged Art & Conversation Summit. Lydia Hooper of Fountain Visual Communications was there to make a graphic recording of the discussion (pictured above).
