
Writer of the Week: Noel Black

Created by Noel Black
Art Medium Tags Poetry / Writing

How to Be A Witch, Wizard, or Warlock in Today’s Economy

Those who sought the illusion — it is done
Outdated bones impose the mundane
To discover the True
Do so with nothing
Seek not belief to remain
Hang up on people in real life the way they hang up on people in movies
Raise your right hand to the heavens and bring down
lightning to match the ground

It’s possible to communicate directly with
your chosen reality initiations
Become manifestations of The Witch

Who would say that pleasure isn’t useful?

The Witch always tells me to form the defeat
and make off with the storm
as an act of makeup
and lack of academy

Let the cowards of false kindness
mistake power for magick
Let them have their placards
& petty commendations

Beware of tricks
says The Witch —
Stick with spells
