
The Body as Medium: Somatics in Creation

Prompted by Charlie Miller and Donna Mejia
Event March 22, 2023 at Moovment House
Commissioned Response Being With What’s So by Katie Wiegman
Topic Tags Community, Identity

Embodiment, according to Manuela Mischke-Reeds, “is feeling oneself directly, without the constant narration or interpretation of our thinking mind. This embodiment has no judgment, no commentary from an inner belief, and no filters, but rather presents the raw data of the body “as is.” We can call this present-moment body awareness-direct communication from our deeper self or embodiment. This is a moment in which we are not bound by past or future, and can live in the present moment. We often describe this simple yet elusive sense as coming home, being close to oneself, or simply here. This points us to the value of being-ness rather than doing-ness.” [1]

Our somatic intelligence is informed by powerful cultural and personal lineages. Our portals to experiencing creativity, relationship, community, and encountering the unfamiliar rely on libraries of information within our bodies and minds. This unique intelligence is intertwined with the identities chosen or assigned to us. A new conversation has emerged globally on exploring embodied juxtapositions: it asks what is inherent to somatic intelligence; what is unique in individual intelligences; and what is somatically impacted and driven by our sociocultural entanglements.

—Donna Mejia

Questions from the prompters for our conversation:

  • What do I presume to be true about my body?
  • What cultural collisions have I experienced and how have those encounters reverberated in my body?
  • What doubts, frustrations, and questions occur to me when I am encountering the unfamiliar?
  • What tools do I possess, or crave to recover, more wonder and freedom in somatic and embodied living and creation?
  • What spaces and relationships best support embodiment?
  • And what changes when other humans are involved, either as collaborators or audience members? In other words, how does relationship and performance affect somatic embodiment?